Your One Wild and Precious Life

Your One Wild and Precious Life - Mary Oliver

I cannot add much more to Mary Oliver's wise advice, but here are some hopes I have for you. 

May you embrace your one wild and precious life. 
May you be fully present for your one wild and precious life. 
May you be compassionate with yourself as you live your one wild and precious life. 

Today be mindful of how you spend your time by asking "Is this what I want to do with my one wild and precious life?" 

Let your answers guide your decisions tomorrow. 

If you are looking for a therapist in Nashville to help you live a more wild and precious life, contact Jessica at 615-979-4168. 

Self-Care Saturday: The One Thing You Need

Self Care Saturday - Jessica McCoy Counseling - Nashville therapist - Nashville Counselor - large.jpg

Self-care is giving you the grace to take care of you. Give yourself the grace to make space and time to meet your needs or to allow others to help meet your needs. This week we practice one self-care experiment because one thing is better is nothing.

Today You Will

Look at your life. What is the one thing you want to do today? What is the one thing you need to do today? Trust your intuition, chances are you know what your one thing needs to be. Maybe it is something easy like getting your hair cut or something hard like making that tough phone call. What is the one action step you need to make today take care of yourself? Write it down, post it somewhere and then do it. "Today I will________." Give yourself the grace to allow one action to be enough. 

Click here for your free "Today I will" printable.

If your one thing is finding a Nashville therapist, feel free to call Jessica at (615) 979-4167 for a free 15-minute phone consultation. I’m happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you the right person for you.

Self-Care Saturday: Making Time for Deep Connections

Making time for self-care involves cultivating a life of deep connections. These meaningful relationships help us navigate the storms of life, and they do not happen overnight. We need to make time and space for these deep connections to happen, even though we may have to take a risk and become vulnerable. Here are two ideas about how to practice self-care, but also to make time for deep connections.

Schedule Your Next Vacation

I love to travel. Traveling gives me space where I can breathe deeply and gain perspective on what matters most. One of my favorite ways to travel is with friends and family. When we head out on vacation together we are given a unique opportunity to reconnect and deepen our relationship. Currently, I am on vacation with my husband celebrating our anniversary. This annual beach trip is a great time for us to process the previous year and dream of what we want the next year to look like. We love the space we have on this trip to have unique conversations about out life together. I would recommend you trying the same on your next trip with loved ones. If you are looking for some help on what conversations to have with your partner or your children, then look no further. There’s an app for that.

Practice Asking for Help & Receiving Help

One surprising form of self-care is to ask for help and then receive help. This is hard for many of us. Asking for something feels risky. Saying “I cannot do it all by myself” makes us become vulnerable. We don't want to seem needy. We don’t want our friend to disappoint by not helping out. However, one of the best ways we can cultivate deeper connections is to open ourselves to our friends and ask for help. When you do you lower the walls between you and them and surprising, meaningful things can happen. Your relationship has the potential to grow and stretch in new ways. So go ahead and ask. I’m guessing they already knew you needed help in the first place!

If reaching out and asking a professional in Nashville for counseling is what is next for you, then call for a free 15-minute phone consultation with Jessica.