Want to Know What Other Women Do For Self-Care?

Stuck In a self-care rut? Needing some inspiration?

When I ask what you need to create a self-care plan the answers usually include “more time” and “a better understanding of what self-care actually could look like.” This blog series may not help you find more time, but it will give you a glimpse of what self-care looks like for a handful of wonderful women.

In 2018, I asked a few friends to share what they do for self-care in the Nashville Self-Care series. They shared their practices and inspired many readers to strengthen their current self-care practices. They will share their annual, weekly, and daily self-care practices that they use in their self-care plan. You can read the blog that fits with you most, but each of these women give insight it what may help you build your self-care plan.

Self-care stories and Self-Care Plans can be really Helpful in making your next right step.

I hope these self-care stories give you some helpful tips and clarity around other women’s practices. There is no perfect self-care plan and everyone does it a little differently. You need to find what works for you in this season of life. My self-care practices in 2018 look differently than they did in 2019 as a new mother. Finding long-term self-care skills are necessary for the bad days and make the good days even better.

here are some next Self-Care steps:

If you want to take my Self-Care Skills quiz then take it here. You will receive my free Self-Care Planner in your email after taking the quiz and have weekly emails about Self-Care in your inbox.

If you want to download my free Self-Care Planner without taking the quiz then click here. You will receive the Courageous Action Newsletter with weekly practices and helpful tips to build your Self-Care plan.

If you are wanting to add seeing a licensed therapist as a part of your self-care plan and live in Tennessee, please schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation. If you live outside of Tennessee, then check out Psychology Today’s “Find a Therapist” feature.

Comment below to share what your favorite self-care practice is and inspire the next reader.

Cultivate A Gratitude Practice

cultivate your gratitude practice blog || nashville counseling

Cultivating a gratitude practice is as simple as writing down three to five things or moments from your day that you are grateful for.

Paying attention to big and small moments that brought you joy, made you laugh, or helped you get through the day creates a healthy mindset of looking for positive moments instead of getting stuck on the low points of the day.

Gratitude is the antidote to Scarcity

Even in 2020 we can find three to five things we are thankful for, right?

In March, moving my counseling practice online (over a weekend) and not really leaving our house WAS A LOT to navigate. It was a lot for all of us to navigate. It continues to be lot to navigate…

Honestly, my gratitude practice held me together some nights in March and April of this year. Those early days of being quarantined at home felt like scarcity at its finest. Nothing was as it should be and it didn’t feel like there was going to be enough toilet paper/meat/jobs/ventilators for everyone. It was way too much scarcity for my mind to hold, but I knew gratitude is the antidote to scarcity.

Every night before putting my daughter in her bed, I would rock her and name the three best parts of my day. Just writing them down wasn’t enough for me at that time I had to say them out loud.

Sometimes it was as basic as a blooming flower in our yard, listening to good music, seeing family on FaceTime, or finding that scarce toilet paper. But I needed to name it. Each and every one one of those moments deserved the credit for being a good part to my day.

Gratitude is an incredible framework to see your day through... even if it was a rough day.

Practicing it every day helps to rewire your brain. SHOUT OUT to neuroplasticity! Our brains will always be trying to keep us safe; and safety seeking means to remember when we felt scared, which is great to keep us from walking in front of moving cars. BUT we also need to remember the joyous moments too and sometimes our brains need the extra help.

Cultivating a gratitude practice is scientifically shown to help you become more optimistic, feel better about your life as a whole, and make progress toward your goals.

If you are looking for some ideas of what you might include in your gratitude practice, here are some ideas:

  • the sunrise/sunset

  • the funny thing your friend/kid/tv character said

  • listening to a favorite song while doing the dishes

  • the hard conversation you had with a friend

  • savoring your cup of coffee

    Cultivate the life you want through gratitude because there is good stuff all around us.

How Four Questions Can Help You Find Your Reason for Being || Ikigai

How Four Questions can help you Find Your Reason for Being
ikigai || Nashville therapist

What kind of life do you want?

It is really easy to name what you *should* want in your life, but more often I hear women unable to name what they actually want. One helpful practice that could help you become more intentional with the life you desire is finding your ikigai.

What is your reason for being? Ikigai, the Japanese concept that asks just that.

Your ikigai, your reason for being, is the intersection of your passion, mission, vocation, and profession.
Asking these four questions and see how you can combine them is one way to help you intentionally craft the life you want.

What do I love?
What does the world need?
What can I be paid for?
What am I good at?

Rob Bell Ikigai Quote

Take your time and answer these questions.

If you are feeling stuck ask a love one, mentor, or co-worker how they would answer those questions.

Your answer in your twenties may look different then when you come back to these questions in your thirties… and that just means you a growing.

Rob Bell writes, “your ikigai is a work in progress because you are a work in progress. Knowing your ikigai, then, takes patience and insight, and courage, and honesty.”

Patience. Insight. Courage. Honesty. This is important work.

You may be feeling stuck or are about to enter into a new life transition and are feeling the full body overwhelm. Put your feet on the ground and take three slow easy breaths. Let these questions guide you. Give your self permission to craft a beautiful life that only you can live. Let the world be changed because of YOUR reason for being.