Olive and June Manicure System: A manicure kit feels like a very traditional self-care gift, but one way to level up your self-care is using your nail polish to help notice and hold space for BIG emotions. When you notice you are feeling BIG feelings (fear, sadness, shame, guilt, loneliness, anger, or hurt) you can mindfully paint your nails while you sit with your feelings. This is a short practice of sitting with your feelings while you paint your nails. Once your nails are dry, you can journal or share your emotions with a safe person.
Feelings Chart: Even adults need a feelings chart. If you notice a feeling that needs support by using coping skills, then this is a great initial start. This is a great tool to have on your fridge and make it a whole family affair if you want to check in with your roommates or family during dinner.
Preemptive Love Candles: These candles are a great option because they are made by women affected by the Iraq war, but any candle will work for this self-care practice. Using candles to tune into your senses is one way to feel more grounded and connected to your body. Tuning into what you are feeling, smelling, seeing, hearing and tasting is a mindfulness practice.
My Therapy Cards by Dr. Ebony: I bought these self-exploration cards this summer and have loved them. Dr. Ebony created a set of cards to help you process your mindset, trigger responses, and habits. I have used them personally and with clients. These cards can help you create new coping skills and habits when you feel triggered. Ps. She is a great follow on Instagram.
Mantrabands: Want your favorite coping skill as a reminder as a bracelet? There are lots of empowering bracelets that can help you set your intention for the day. Here are some more incredible bracelets: Laurel Denise’s leather “Be You Bravely” bracelet, Lillian and Co.’s “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” bracelet (for my Disney Parks Fans), and River Valley Jewelry’s "She believed she could, so she did" bracelet.
Environmental Self-Care Gifts:
The goals of Environmental Self-Care Skills are to create calmer and healthier spaces for you and to help build a better environment for everyone else.
The practices in this skill are: I live in a calm home. I remove toxic people from my life. I intentionally disconnect from technology. I work to make a safer world for ALL people. I have a morning and night time routine.